Sunday, April 1, 2018


4 quarts popped popcorn
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup Karo® Light OR Dark Corn Syrup
1/2 cup cannabutter (equiv to 1 stick of butter)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Optional: a couple of handfuls of beer nuts or butter toffee nuts or whatever, to taste.

  • Spray large shallow roasting pan with cooking spray.
  • Add popcorn and place in preheated 250° F oven while preparing caramel.
  • Mix brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and salt in a heavy 2-quart saucepan.
  • Stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat.  (Tip: heat/stir until all of the brown sugar has melted and the liquid doesn't look cloudy.)
  • Boil 5 minutes without stirring, at heat so it's just barey boiling. (Tip: if your burner won't go low enough, gently move the pan off the burner until it just stops bubbling, them move it back on.  You might also try a double-boiler, but whatever you do, do not allow it to boil rapidly for 5 minutes, it should be just barely to the point of boiling.)
  • Remove from heat.
  • Stir in baking soda and vanilla; mix well.  Liquid should turn a lighter color and become opaque.
  • Pour liquid over warm popcorn, stirring to coat evenly.
  • Optional: sprinkle peanuts in; stir
  • Bake for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and spread on foil that has been sprayed with cooking spray. (Alternative: bake in a no-stick pan big enough to stir it, and stir every 5 minutes until it isn't tacky)
  • Allow to cool; break apart.
Store in tightly covered container.

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